Infertility(IVF) Specialist
- 234/235 Near Laddu Gopal Patliputra Colony
- Phone: +91 9771038137
- Mon - Sat 9 AM - 6 PM
- Email: info@vatsalyamamta@gmail.in
The Parenthood Journey of Mrs. Priya Devi and Mr. Vishweswar Pandit

A couple from Deogarh, Jharkhand, Mr. Vishweswar Pandit and Mrs. Priya Devi, visited Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre in October 2019 fo fertility treatment. They had been married for 28 years but were unable to conceive a child.
Her first choice for consultation was Divya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre. On meeting our fertility specialist, Dr. Rashmi Prasad, it was found that Mrs. Priya Devi had irregular menstrual cycles and was suffering from hypothyroidism.
Case Study
Detailed investigations revealed that Mr. Vishweswar Pandit ji had a very low sperm count, around 8-10 million/ml. The combination of irregular menstrual cycles and hypothyroidism further complicated the matter. Despite all these challenges, we and our dedicated team at Divya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre made a lot of efforts to fulfill their dream of becoming parents and gave complete information about ICSI treatment to both husband and wife and finally ICSI treatment was started for them.
Final words from the couple
Visiting Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre has surely changed our lives. We thank God for the day we decided to visit Patna and meet Dr Rashmi Prasad. I would recommend or rather request other couples with similar problems to immediately visit DVMFC to get their problems sorted out. We are pleased and would like to share the happiest feeling with couples undergoing the same problem as us. Please don't waste your time in search of an IVF center; just come to Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre, make your dream come true. We are sure your interaction with Dr Rashmi Prasad will change your vision towards the problem, and you will feel more optimistic and confident.
We salute Dr Rashmi Prasad for the fantastic job she is doing and making couples like us happy with various treatment procedures and curing Infertility.